; ------------------------------------- ; Object Substitution Table for QuakeDM ; ------------------------------------- ; By Michael Stokes - 9/10/96 ; ; The entries in this file map old DOOM/DOOM2 objects into ; Quake entities. The first number is the code of the DOOM ; object, followed by the Quake entity name in quotes. ; ; If anyone wants to take the time to produce a D2Q_OBJ.TXT ; file better than this default one, feel free to distribute ; it, but please leave this default file in the QDM??.ZIP ; archive. ; Informational Items 1 "info_player_start" 2 "info_player_coop" 3 "info_player_coop" 4 "info_player_coop" 11 "info_player_deathmatch" 14 "info_teleport_destination" ; Monsters 3004 "monster_army" 9 "monster_enforcer" 65 "monster_enforcer" 3001 "monster_dog" 3002 "monster_knight" 58 "monster_knight" 3006 "monster_wizard" 3005 "monster_ogre" 69 "monster_hell_knight" 3003 "monster_zombie" 68 "monster_shalrath" 71 "monster_tarbaby" 66 "monster_shambler" 67 "monster_ogre" 64 "monster_zombie" 7 "monster_shambler" 16 "monster_shambler" 88 "monster_shambler" ; Weapons 2001 "weapon_nailgun" 82 "weapon_supershotgun" 2002 "weapon_supernailgun" 2003 "weapon_rocketlauncher" 2004 "weapon_grenadelauncher" 2006 "weapon_lightning" ; Ammo 2007 "item_shells" 2008 "item_shells" 2010 "item_rockets" 2047 "item_cells" 2048 "item_shells" 2049 "item_shells" 2046 "item_rockets" 17 "item_cells" ; Powerups 2011 "item_health" 2012 "item_health" 2018 "item_armor1" 2019 "item_armor2" 83 "item_armorInv" 2013 "item_armorInv" 2022 "item_artifact_invulnerability" 2023 "item_artifact_super_damage" 2024 "item_artifact_invisibility" 2025 "item_artifact_envirosuit" ; Keys 5 "item_key1" 40 "item_key1" 13 "item_key2" 38 "item_key2" 6 "item_key1" 39 "item_key1" ; Misc 2035 "misc_explobox" 2028 "light_torch_small_walltorch" 85 "light_torch_small_walltorch" 86 "light_torch_small_walltorch" 34 "light_flame_small_yellow" 35 "light_flame_small_yellow" 44 "light_torch_small_walltorch" 45 "light_torch_small_walltorch" 46 "light_torch_small_walltorch" 55 "light_torch_small_walltorch" 56 "light_torch_small_walltorch" 57 "light_torch_small_walltorch"